2013 Music

ITA – 日本語EN


Malika Ayane

Malika Ayane è nata a Milano nel 1984. La sua formazione musicale ha inizio al Conservatorio “Giuseppe Verdi” di Milano dove dal 1995 al 2001 studia Violoncello. Parallelamente,  fa parte dell’ensemble del Coro di Voci Bianche del Teatro Alla Scala in cui, oltre al ruolo di corista, esegue spesso parti solistiche lavorando, già adolescente, con direttori d’orchestra del calibro di R. Muti,  R. Chailly e G. Sinopoli.

Nel 2007 Malika incontra Caterina Caselli che da subito vede in lei una personalità artistica con un stile originale, fresco e “speziato”. E’ Paolo Conte ad usare questa espressione per definire la voce di Malika: “Il colore di questa voce è un arancione scuro che sa di spezia amara e rara”.

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Raphael Gualazzi

Raphael Gualazzi nasce ad Urbino l’11 novembre 1981. Dopo aver intrapreso gli studi di pianoforte al Conservatorio Rossini di Pesaro estende la sua ricerca musicale anche nel campo del Jazz, del Blues e della Fusion. Tanto da arrivare a creare un stile personalissimo che fonde la tecnica rag-time dei primi anni del ‘900 con le sonorità tipiche del pre-jazz e dello stride-piano, senza trascurare  le influenze più innovative  di artisti eclettici della scena contemporanea, come Jamiroquai e Ben Harper.

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Malika Ayaneマリカ・アヤンは1984年ミラノ生まれ。1995年から2001年までミラノ音楽院「ジュゼッペ・ヴェルディ」でヴァイオリンを学び、これがマリカにとって最初の音楽との関わりだった。また同時期に、ミラノスカラ座でボーイソプラノのコーラスの一員として、幼少のころから指揮者リッカルド・ムーティ、リッカルド・シャイー、ジュゼッペ・シノーポリといった偉大な巨匠達のもとで合唱だけでなくソリストとしてのパートもこなしていた。

2007年マリカがカテリーナ・カゼッリに会ったとき、カテリーナはすぐにマリカの中にオリジナリティーに溢れ、新鮮で“スパイスの効いた”アーティストとしてのスタイルを見出した。またパオロ・コンテは、マリカの歌声を 「この美声が持つ音色は、濃いオレンジ色、渋くて希少なスパイスの味がする」と表現した。



Raphael Gualazziラファエル・グアラッツィは1981年11月11日ウルビーノ生まれ。ぺーザロのロッシーニ音楽院でピアノを学び始めると、ジャズやブルース、フュ―ジョンにも彼の音楽への探究心は広がっていった。それらは、1900年初頭のラグ・タイムの手法とプレジャズ、ストライドピアノの特徴的な音響を融合させ、ジャミロクワイやベン・ハーパーのような現代音楽シーンにおける多才なアーティストたちの斬新な影響もなおざりにすることなく、自身の独特のスタイルを創り上げるにまでに至った。



Malika AyaneMalika Ayane was born in Milan in 1984. Her musical training began at the ‘Giuseppe Verdi’ Conservatory in Milan, where she studied cello from 1995 to 2001. In the same period she joined the Voci Bianche Chorus of La Scala, contributing not only as chorus member but frequently also as soloist.

In 2007 Malika met Caterina Caselli, who was immediately impressed by her fresh, original and ‘spicy’ style. This was the expression used by Paolo Conte to describe Malika’s voice. ‘The colour of this voice is a deep orange with a bitter and rare spicy flavour’, he said.

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Raphael GualazziBorn in Urbino, Raphael Gualazzi has grown up in a sumptuous area. He says about his birthplace, “it’s a place drenched with history, a UNESCO Word Heritage site and homeland of many great creators as the painter Raphael. It’s a remote place but very inspiring. Even though I’m living in London now, I love to come back here” says the musician. This is where he started learning the piano at the age of nine. He entered the Music School of Pesaro five years later, and played the piano. He studied the classical composers for eight years. In 1995, Raphael Gualazzi discovered jazz thanks to a friend of his father (himself a drummer in a pop band) and a whole new world opened to his ears. He dived into ragtime and 1900’s stride, and started exploring the music of Scott Joplin, Jelly Roll Morton, Fats Waller, Art Tatum and Mary Lou Williams.

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